Our curriculum is heavily based around your child, their interests, new experiences and our values.
We teach:
Self-regulation through co-regulating with your child
A love for learning through learning about exciting topics and new experiences.
Independence which builds resilience in children
Communication in a rich learning environment
Kindness and empathy
We nurture children's learning characteristics such as
Enjoying challenges
Building a love for learning
We believe in:
The Montessori ethos - Good communication skills, self- esteem, independence and perseverance.
Co-regulating with children, by helping them work through their emotions to help them become resilient and self regulated.
Moving children forward and onto the next step in learning when they are ready, this is called Sequenced Learning.
Outside learning & Forest School experiences which develops curious minds and builds community, compassion and empathy for others
Example of some of our activities:
We carefully set up the environment so our babies and toddlers can safely and independently explore, play and investigate inside and outside!
Or practitioners use their expertise, knowledge and interests of each child to plan a rich and exciting learning environment, which keys into all 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We have 'time in' sessions with our babies and toddlers to give them further learning experiences, specific to their development.
As well as daily feedback, each child will have a 2 year Development Meeting when they turn 2, a Pre-School Transitional Meeting when they turn 3 years old and a Preparing for School Meeting in their last year with us.
We have our own extensive educational programme for the 3 - 4 years olds to not only help prepare the children for school but to prepare them with life skills and knowledge.
The older children also have more structured sessions together such as cooking, yoga, dance and games to promote maths and literacy as well as circle time and group story sessions.
Our termly topics are shared with our parents so you know what your child is learning about each week and it can also support you to extend your child's learning further at home too!
Examples of our topics include:
​Earth & space
Caring for our world and the environment around us
Influential People and Musicians
Exploring culture around the world
Amazing animal journeys & hibernation
Road safety
Transport: land, sea & air
Emergency services & community people
Growing and Plant life
Keeping fit & healthy
Wild animals & endangered animals
Mini beasts & insects
All about our amazing bodies
Dinosaurs, evolution & pre-historic history
We have outside trained professionals come in to provide extra-curricular activities for our 3 & 4 year olds!
Each term we rotate the sport and the day it is on to enable the majority of pre-schoolers to take part.
Our own skilled team currently do Yoga, Drama and Music sessions.
New for 2024 is Drama! Our practitioners have been taking part in a drama training programme. The children's lessons are based on a professional lesson plan designed by Drama teachers.
Yoga & Mindfulness
Story Session Yoga
Super Soccer
Dance & Movement
Drama - new for 2024!